Cavities Can Complicate the Process of Correcting Your Teeth with Braces

Your regularly scheduled braces adjustments at Dr. Erik TinHan’s orthodontic clinic represents an effective method for gradually correcting the alignment of your teeth. Each one of these outpatient sessions will tighten the orthodontic components to affect the connective tissues that anchor your teeth into your periodontal tissues. As time goes on this progressive tension will gradually bring your teeth closer... read more »

The Best Ways to Obtain Fresh Breath When You Have Braces

If you desire a fresh and pristine breath while you have braces, our orthodontist, Dr. Erik TinHan, is happy to help you. Unfortunately, achieving that fresh breath can be difficult because of all the food particles and plaque that get stuck in your braces and on your teeth. The good news is that there are things you can do to... read more »

Adults With Braces Want Holiday Treats, Too!

When you can’t participate in your normal holiday food traditions, things can look rather gray. Bring your world back into color as you realize how much you CAN eat. As an adult, you have more control over the foods you decide to eat. Choose to integrate these delicious holiday foods into your meals and parties, and you’ll be feeling festive... read more »

How does Invisalign® Work?

Invisalign® is a beneficial and successful orthodontic treatment that can help people with minor misalignments in their teeth achieve the smiles of their dreams. It involves using clear, plastic mouth trays to shift and move the teeth. To help you know a little more about the treatment process, our orthodontist, Dr. Erik TinHan, is happy to explain the steps involved.... read more »

Damaged Braces Need to Be Repaired as Soon as Possible

If you eat sticky foods and candies or you chew gum you are putting your braces at increased risk of being damaged. A similar threat is also posed by crunching on very hard foods, eating tough foods like beef jerky, or nibbling on foreign objects. If some part of your braces is damaged in any way, you need to have... read more »

Brushing Your Teeth While You Have Your Braces

It may be hard to see your teeth with your braces on. However, it is vitally important that you continue to take care of your teeth while you wear your braces. First, while you will see your orthodontist on a regular basis, you will still need to keep your regular dental appointments for cleanings and exams. In the meantime, you... read more »

Maintaining Your Braces Will Help Minimize the Duration of the Alignment Process

Your orthodontic braces were installed in your mouth by Dr. Erik TinHan to gradually correct the alignment of your teeth. This process requires routine adjustments to tighten your braces and gradually move your teeth into their ideal position. This will reduce your chances of suffering dental attrition and dental fractures, while also improving your smile’s appearance. Maintaining your braces and... read more »

Orthodontic Braces Can Help Prevent Certain Dental Conditions

Deviations in the alignment of your teeth can do more than simply leave you with an unappealing smile. Over time, uncorrected issues in your dentition can cause excess wear and tear on the tooth enamel layer of multiple teeth. This could cause dental attrition, promote new cavities, and leave your teeth at increased risk of suffering a dental fracture. To... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at TinHan Orthodontics, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »