Have you just had braces suggested or placed? Would you like some information about caring for braces? Dr. Erik TinHan and our team are thrilled to give you some tips for taking care of your braces to make your orthodontic treatment a pleasant one. Foods to Avoid There are certain foods that should be avoided when you are undergoing orthodontic... read more »
Ok, the title is a bit misleading. But the truth is that when you get braces, you’re going to realize that you can’t have a lot of your favorite foods. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s part of the sacrifice you make for straight - and healthy - teeth. Often, you get a broad list of things to avoid, and it’s hard... read more »
As your child’s oral structure grows and develops, their 20 primary teeth are gradually replaced by the 32 permanent teeth that will serve them throughout adult life. Sometimes multiple teeth can emerge very close together causing one or more to deviate from its ideal alignment. If you have noticed a problem like this in your child’s mouth, you should consider... read more »
An orthodontist like Dr. Erik TinHan will often use braces or clear plastic aligners to address misaligned permanent teeth. These orthodontic treatment methods are designed to apply progressive tension to the periodontal connective tissues that anchor your teeth into your gums. Once your teeth attain their ideal alignment, there will still be a mild amount of latent tension in the... read more »
Are you aware of the oral health risks of malocclusions? Malocclusions consist of bad bites and misalignments that are often associated with jaw structure problems or even tooth slippage and movements that have occurred. If your teeth have moved out of alignment, malocclusions are present. Common types of malocclusions are as follows: - Overbites, also known as over jets or... read more »
As you may know, braces come with some restrictions concerning what foods you can eat. These restrictions are made to protect your braces, as many of these foods can ruin them. Even so, some foods can still be enjoyed, you just need to put a little extra work into them. There are plenty foodstuffs that will poorly influence your braces.... read more »
If you have braces, it’s very important to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape. This is especially important because oftentimes braces making cleaning your smile a bit difficult. So, it’s very important to focus on cleaning your teeth, gums, and braces regularly. To help you maintain a healthy mouth when you have braces in Pearl City, Hawaii, our... read more »
Many people wrongly assume that braces are only for children and teenagers. More and more adults are undergoing orthodontic treatment. According to Harvard Health Publications, one in five orthodontic patients is over the age of 18. It is never too late to have your teeth straightened so you can have a healthier smile. Having crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth can... read more »
As you are likely aware your child’s primary teeth are not replaced all at one time. The process is gradual and tends to happen as their jaw structure grows to accommodate their complement of 32 permanent teeth. This can sometimes cause multiple teeth to emerge slightly out of their ideal angle. If your son or daughter’s teeth meet at an... read more »
Ideally, you have been giving your smile thorough care your whole life, and braces shouldn’t change this. Even though metal will cover most of your teeth, you will need to continue to brush your teeth every day to remove trapped food particles. Braces will change the way you clean your smile, but our orthodontist and team can provide you with... read more »